Before you get to this step, make sure you’ve downloaded Flow UnitySDK from the Unity Asset Store and installed it from the package manager. Then put your .cdc files in a folder, we will soon assign them.
public class Cadence()
public static Cadence Instance { get; private set; }
public CadenceContractAsset yourContractOneName; //Assign it from the inspector
public CadenceContractAsset yourContractTwoName; //Assign it from the inspector
public CadenceTransactionAsset yourTransactionOneName; //Assign it from the inspector
public CadenceTransactionAsset yourTransactionTwoName; //Assign it from the inspector
public CadenceScriptAsset yourScriptOneName; //Assign it from the inspector
public CadenceScriptAsset yourScriptTwoName; //Assign it from the inspector
void Awake()
if (Instance != null && Instance != this) Destroy(this);
else Instance = this;