Deploy a Contract w/ the Flow CLI

This tutorial will help you deploy a smart contract on Flow testnet/mainnet using the Flow CLI.

Follow along in a video format.

1. Install the Flow CLI

Open up a terminal on your computer. Paste and run the command based on your system:

  • Mac:
			sh -ci "$(curl -fsSL"
  • Linux:
			sh -ci "$(curl -fsSL"
  • Windows:
			iex "& { $(irm '') }"

To make sure it worked, type flow version. If you see a version, it worked.

2. Create a flow.json File

In your terminal, go to whatever folder your project is. Type flow init. This will create a flow.json file in your project.

3. Create an Account

In your terminal, type flow accounts create and follow the process. When it’s complete, it will add all the necessary information to your flow.json file.

4. Configure your flow.json

Now we need to configure your flow.json to be able to find and deploy your contract.

First, add your contract to the “contracts” object. The key should be the name of your contract, and the value should be the file destination of your contract in your project.

	"contracts": {
		"ExampleContract": "./src/flow/cadence/ExampleContract.cdc"
	"networks": {
		"emulator": "",
		"mainnet": "",
		"testnet": ""
	"accounts": {
		"emulator-account": {
			"address": "f8d6e0586b0a20c7",
			"key": "fc49a771829ff480841164af13b18a68cd697b6e79c80af7f8470a9e651dfac5"
		"mainnet-account": {
			"address": "3d64e203dbb5eafb",
			"key": {
				"type": "file",
				"location": "mainnet-account.pkey"
	"deployments": {}

Next, add all the contract dependencies that your ExampleContract uses. For example, if it imports NonFungibleToken, you have to add it and all its “aliases” to your flow.json. Aliases are where the contract is already deployed on testnet/mainnet.

	"contracts": {
		"ExampleContract": "./src/flow/cadence/ExampleContract.cdc",
        "NonFungibleToken": {
			"source": "./src/flow/cadence/NonFungibleToken.cdc",
			"aliases": {
                "testnet": "0x631e88ae7f1d7c20",
				"mainnet": "0x1d7e57aa55817448"
	"networks": {
		"emulator": "",
		"mainnet": "",
		"testnet": ""
	"accounts": {
		"emulator-account": {
			"address": "f8d6e0586b0a20c7",
			"key": "fc49a771829ff480841164af13b18a68cd697b6e79c80af7f8470a9e651dfac5"
		"mainnet-account": {
			"address": "3d64e203dbb5eafb",
			"key": {
				"type": "file",
				"location": "mainnet-account.pkey"
	"deployments": {}

Next, add your contract to the “deployments” object:

	"contracts": {
		"ExampleContract": "./src/flow/cadence/ExampleContract.cdc",
        "NonFungibleToken": {
			"source": "./src/flow/cadence/utility/NonFungibleToken.cdc",
			"aliases": {
                "testnet": "0x631e88ae7f1d7c20",
				"mainnet": "0x1d7e57aa55817448"
	"networks": {
		"emulator": "",
		"mainnet": "",
		"testnet": ""
	"accounts": {
		"emulator-account": {
			"address": "f8d6e0586b0a20c7",
			"key": "fc49a771829ff480841164af13b18a68cd697b6e79c80af7f8470a9e651dfac5"
		"mainnet-account": {
			"address": "3d64e203dbb5eafb",
			"key": {
				"type": "file",
				"location": "mainnet-account.pkey"
	"deployments": {
        "mainnet": {
            "mainnet-account": [

5. Deploy

Lastly, run one of the following commands in your terminal:

  • Testnet: flow project deploy --network=testnet
  • Mainnet: flow project deploy --network=mainnet

6. Done!

To make sure your contract was actually deployed, you can use Contract Browser to search for your contract.

Till next time ~ Jacob Tucker