Non Fungible Token (NFT)

Mint NFTs and transfer them to another account on Flow Testnet.

🚩 Quickstart 1: NonFungibleToken

🎫 Deploy your own NFT contract to learn the basics of the Flow blockchain and Cadence. You’ll use:

  • The local Flow emulator to deploy smart contracts.
  • The local Flow dev wallet to log into test accounts.
  • A template SvelteKit app with sample scripts and transactions to interact with your contract.

🌟 The final deliverable is a DApp that lets users mint and transfer some NFTs on Flow Testnet.

💬 Meet other builders working on this challenge and get help in the 💎 Emerald City Discord!

📦 Checkpoint 0: Install


  • Git
  • Node
  • Flow CLI - you know you have installed it if you type flow version in your terminal and it prints a version.
			git clone

First, rename the .env.example file to .env

Then, in a terminal window, install the dependencies and start your frontend:

			cd 1-non-fungible-token-svelte
npm install
npm run dev

In a second terminal window, start your local emulator:

			cd 1-non-fungible-token-svelte
flow emulator start -v

Note: the -v flag means to print transaction and script output to your local emulator

In a third terminal window, deploy your contract and start your local wallet:

			cd 1-non-fungible-token-svelte
flow project deploy
flow dev-wallet

You can flow project deploy --update to deploy a new contract or update your existing ExampleNFT contract any time.

👛 Checkpoint 1: Wallets

We’ll be using the local Flow dev wallet.

Click the “Connect” button and notice a window appears with different accounts to select, each with their own Flow Token balance. Select the first account to log in to it.

🕳️ Checkpoint 2: Set up your NFT Collection

After logging in to the account with address 0xf8d6e0586b0a20c7, click the Setup Collection button:

set up nft collection

This will store an empty NFT collection inside of your account’s storage so you have the ability to receive NFTs.

✏️ Checkpoint 3: Minting NFTs

Now that we have set up your account, we can mint some NFTs to it.

In a terminal, run npm run mint 0xf8d6e0586b0a20c7

mint NFTs transaction

This will mint 3 NFTs to the supplied address (0xf8d6e0586b0a20c7).

👀 Checkpoint 4: See Your NFTs

Go back to your application and click Get NFTs. Notice that 3 NFTs appear! Woooohoooo.

NFTs now appear on the frontend

📘 Checkpoint 5: Setup Another User

Log out of the current account and connect to another account. Set up another NFT Collection.

💾 Checkpoint 6: Transfer an NFT

Log out of your account and go back to the first account that has the NFTs. After clicking “Get NFTs” again, go to one of the NFT boxes, copy and paste the address of the 2nd account you set up (ex. 0x045a1763c93006ca) and click Transfer:

transfer an NFT

This will transfer an NFT to the 2nd account. Log in to that account, click Get NFTs, and you will see it has an NFT now!

🔐 Checkpoint 7: Create a Testnet Account

Create a new account by opening up a terminal in the same directory as your project and typing flow accounts create.

  • Name: testnet-account
  • Network: Testnet

Open up your flow.json file and you should see under the “accounts” object that it automatically configured a testnet-account for you.

⚠️ Make sure testnet-account.pkey is inside your .gitignore. You never want to commit private keys to git!

💾 Checkpoint 8: Deploy to Testnet!

We will now deploy our contracts to the account we just created.

In your flow.json file, under the “deployments” object, add the following:

			"testnet": {
  "testnet-account": [

Then, under the “contracts” object, find the “ExampleNFT” object and add a new testnet alias. The address you put should be the same one that was added to your flow.json automatically under the “testnet-account” object:

			"ExampleNFT": {
  "source": "./src/lib/flow/cadence/contracts/ExampleNFT.cdc",
  "aliases": {
    "emulator": "f8d6e0586b0a20c7",
    "testnet": "5f4ea4877f5afeab"

Your final flow.json should look something like this:

	"contracts": {
		"FIND": {
			"source": "./src/flow/cadence/contracts/utility/FIND.cdc",
			"aliases": {
				"emulator": "f8d6e0586b0a20c7",
				"mainnet": "1d7e57aa55817448",
				"testnet": "631e88ae7f1d7c20"
		"FlowToken": {
			"source": "./src/flow/cadence/contracts/utility/FlowToken.cdc",
			"aliases": {
				"emulator": "0ae53cb6e3f42a79",
				"mainnet": "1654653399040a61",
				"testnet": "7e60df042a9c0868"
		"FungibleToken": {
			"source": "./src/flow/cadence/contracts/utility/FungibleToken.cdc",
			"aliases": {
				"emulator": "ee82856bf20e2aa6",
				"mainnet": "f233dcee88fe0abe",
				"testnet": "9a0766d93b6608b7"
		"ExampleNFT": {
			"source": "./src/lib/flow/cadence/contracts/ExampleNFT.cdc",
			"aliases": {
				"emulator": "f8d6e0586b0a20c7",
				"testnet": "5f4ea4877f5afeab"
		"MetadataViews": {
			"source": "./src/flow/cadence/contracts/utility/MetadataViews.cdc",
			"aliases": {
				"emulator": "f8d6e0586b0a20c7",
				"mainnet": "1d7e57aa55817448",
				"testnet": "631e88ae7f1d7c20"
		"NonFungibleToken": {
			"source": "./src/flow/cadence/contracts/utility/NonFungibleToken.cdc",
			"aliases": {
				"emulator": "f8d6e0586b0a20c7",
				"mainnet": "1d7e57aa55817448",
				"testnet": "631e88ae7f1d7c20"
	"networks": {
		"emulator": "",
		"mainnet": "",
		"testnet": ""
	"accounts": {
		"emulator-account": {
			"address": "f8d6e0586b0a20c7",
			"key": "fc49a771829ff480841164af13b18a68cd697b6e79c80af7f8470a9e651dfac5"
		"testnet-account": {
			"address": "5f4ea4877f5afeab",
			"key": {
				"type": "file",
				"location": "testnet-account.pkey"
	"deployments": {
		"emulator": {
			"emulator-account": [
		"testnet": {
			"testnet-account": [

🚀 Deploy your ExampleNFT smart contract:

			flow project deploy --network=testnet
deploy contract to testnet

In your .env file, change the following:

  2. PRIVATE_KEY to the private key of the testnet account you created. It should be in the testnet-account.pkey file. You must remove the 0x from the beginning of the private key for it to work.

You can now stop all your terminals since we no longer need to run our own local blockchain or wallet. Everything lives on testnet!

Run npm run dev to start your application in a terminal, and have a blast with your DApp!

📝 Make Edits!

🔏 You can also check out your smart contract ExampleNFT.cdc in flow/cadence/ExampleNFT.cdc.

💼 Take a quick look at how your contract get deployed in flow.json.

📝 If you want to make frontend edits, open +page.svelte in src/routes/+page.svelte.

⚔️ Side Quests

🏃 Head to your next challenge here.

💬 Meet other builders working on this challenge and get help in the 💎 Emerald City Discord!

👉 Problems, questions, comments on the stack? Post them to the 💎 Emerald City Discord.