Fungible Token

Create your own fungible token and transfer them to another account on Flow Testnet.

🚩 Quickstart 2: Fungible Token

🎫 Deploy a FungibleToken contract to learn the basics of the Flow blockchain and Cadence. You’ll use:

  • The local Flow emulator to deploy smart contracts.
  • The local Flow dev wallet to log into test accounts.
  • A template Next.js app with sample scripts and transactions to interact with your contract.

🌟 The final deliverable is a DApp that lets users create their own fungible token and transfer them to another account on Flow testnet.

💬 Meet other builders working on this challenge and get help in the Emerald City Discord!

📹 Video Walkthrough

Want a video walkthrough? Check out Jacob Tucker’s walkthrough here:

📦 Checkpoint 0: Install


  • Git
  • Node (🧨 Use Node v16 or a previous version as v17 may cause errors 🧨). You know you have installed it if you type node -v in your terminal and it prints a version.
  • Flow CLI (🧨 Make sure to install the correct link for your system 🧨). You know you have installed it if you type flow version in your terminal and it prints a version.
			git clone

in a terminal window, 📱 install the dependencies start your frontend:

			cd 2-fungible-token
npm install
npm run dev

in a second terminal window, start your 👷‍ local emulator:

			cd 2-fungible-token
flow emulator start -v

Note: the -v flag means to print transaction and script output to your local emulator

in a third terminal window, 💾 deploy your contract and 💸 start your local wallet:

			cd 2-fungible-token
flow project deploy
flow dev-wallet

You can flow project deploy --update to deploy a new contract any time.

📱 Open http://localhost:3000 to see the app

👛 Checkpoint 1: Wallets

We’ll be using the local Flow dev wallet.

Click the “Log In” button and notice a window appears with different accounts to select, each with their own Flow Token balance. Select the first account to log in to it.

📘 Checkpoint 2: Reading Your Balance

When you log in, click the little spinner next to your balance in the top right. Notice that you get an error:

error when getting balance

The reason for this is because we haven’t set up a vault in the user’s account. On Flow, you need a vault in your account to be able to store specific tokens. Let’s set that up that now.

Click the Setup Vault button:

setup vault for user account

This will set up the user’s account so it can receive tokens.

Try refreshing the balance again. You will see a balance of 0.0. So let’s mint some tokens!

✏️ Checkpoint 3: Minting Fungible Tokens

In a terminal, run npm run mint 0xf8d6e0586b0a20c7 30.0.

mint fungible tokens

This will mint 30 tokens to their address (0xf8d6e0586b0a20c7).

Go back to your application and refresh the balance again. Notice that you have a balance of 30.0 now! Woooohoooo.

📘 Checkpoint 4: Setup Second User Vault

We want to transfer tokens to another account, but the problem is we don’t have another account (that is set up properly) to transfer tokens to!

Log out of the current account and login to another account. Refresh the balance again. You will see an error appear:

error when getting tokens

Again, this is because we haven’t set up the user’s account. We will do this again by clicking the Setup Vault button:

setup vault for user account

This will set up the user’s account so it can receive tokens.

Try refreshing the balance again. You will see a balance of 0.0. So let’s transfer some from the other account!

💾 Checkpoint 5: Transfer Tokens

📔 Log out of your account and go back to the Service Account. In the main box, put 0x179b6b1cb6755e31 as the recipient and 10.0 as the amount, then click Transfer Tokens:

transfer tokens

This will transfer tokens to the 0x179b6b1cb6755e31 account. Log in to that account, refresh the balance, and you will see you have 10.0 tokens now!

💾 Checkpoint 6: Deploy it to testnet!

📔 Ready to deploy to a public testnet?!?

🔐 Generate a deployer address by typing flow keys generate --network=testnet into a terminal. Make sure to save your public key and private key somewhere, you will need them soon.

generate key pair

👛 Create your deployer account by going to, pasting in your public key from above, and clicking CREATE ACCOUNT:

configure testnet account on the website

After it finishes, click COPY ADDRESS and make sure to save that address somewhere. You will need it!

⛽️ Add your new testnet account to your flow.json by modifying the following lines of code. Paste your address you copied above to where it says “YOUR GENERATED ADDRESS”, and paste your private key where it says “YOUR PRIVATE KEY”.

"accounts": {
  "emulator-account": {
    "address": "f8d6e0586b0a20c7",
    "key": "5112883de06b9576af62b9aafa7ead685fb7fb46c495039b1a83649d61bff97c"
  "testnet-account": {
    "address": "YOUR GENERATED ADDRESS",
    "key": {
      "type": "hex",
      "index": 0,
      "signatureAlgorithm": "ECDSA_P256",
      "hashAlgorithm": "SHA3_256",
      "privateKey": "YOUR PRIVATE KEY"
"deployments": {
  "emulator": {
    "emulator-account": [
  "testnet": {
    "testnet-account": [

🚀 Deploy your ExampleToken smart contract:

			flow project deploy --network=testnet
deploy contract to testnet

Lastly, configure your .env file to point to Flow TestNet so we can interact with your new contract.

In your .env file, change the following:

  1. NEXT_PUBLIC_CONTRACT_ADDRESS to your generated testnet address
  2. NEXT_PUBLIC_STANDARD_ADDRESS to 0x9a0766d93b6608b7
  3. PRIVATE_KEY to your private key

You can now terminate all your terminals since we no longer need to run our own local blockchain or wallet. Everything lives on testnet!

Let’s try out our DApp on testnet:

  1. Run npm run dev to start your application in a terminal.
  2. On http://localhost:3000/, click “connect” and log in to your Blocto or Lilico wallet, making sure to copy the address you log in with.
  3. Click “Setup Vault” to give yourself a vault and the ability to store tokens
  4. In a terminal, run npm run mint [THE ADDRESS OF THE ACCOUNT YOU'RE LOGGED IN TO] [AMOUNT OF TOKENS]
  5. In your terminal, you should see a printed “Transaction Id”. If you go to Testnet Flowdiver and paste in that Transaction Id, you should see information about that minting transaction.
  6. Refresh the balance once again, and you should see tokens minted to your account :)

📝 Make Edits!

🔏 You can also check out your smart contract ExampleToken.cdc in flow/cadence/ExampleToken.cdc.

💼 Take a quick look at how your contract get deployed in flow.json.

📝 If you want to make frontend edits, open index.js in pages/index.js.

⚔️ Side Quests

🏃 Head to your next challenge here.

💬 Meet other builders working on this challenge and get help in the 💎 Emerald City Discord!

👉 Problems, questions, comments on the stack? Post them to the 💎 Emerald City Discord.