Cadence Setup using Unity SDK

Before you get to this step, make sure you’ve downloaded Flow UnitySDK from the Unity Asset Store and installed it from the package manager. Then put your .cdc files in a folder, we will soon assign them.

			public class Cadence()
  public static Cadence Instance { get; private set; }

  public CadenceContractAsset yourContractOneName; //Assign it from the inspector
  public CadenceContractAsset yourContractTwoName; //Assign it from the inspector

  public CadenceTransactionAsset yourTransactionOneName; //Assign it from the inspector
  public CadenceTransactionAsset yourTransactionTwoName; //Assign it from the inspector

  public CadenceScriptAsset yourScriptOneName; //Assign it from the inspector
  public CadenceScriptAsset yourScriptTwoName; //Assign it from the inspector

  void Awake()
    if (Instance != null && Instance != this) Destroy(this);
    else Instance = this;